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GiAPA Tutorials and Presentations

As an initial introduction we recommend our 5 min. video.

For more in-depth information please view our 28 min GiAPA Presentation.


Links to On-line tutorials constituting a full GiAPA course:            GiAPA Menu Option:

1. Basic concepts, installation, menu and commands (14 minutes)           99

2. Starting and ending data collection (18 minutes)                                11, 13

3. Data expansion & analysis: Creating the GiAPA data base (24 min.)     14

4. Job Summary exception report, and job interval details (24 minutes)    15

5. Analyzing file access (18 minutes)                                                    15 + F6-F7-F8

6. Call stack analysis (18 minutes)                                                       15 + F9

7. Reporting based on detailed performance data (16 minutes)               16

8. Global HotSpot analysis per program or file (24 minutter)                   18, 19, 20,22

9. Summaries per job, user, or data collection interval (17 minutes)         17, 21, 24

10. How to create charts: GiAPA graphics feature (28 minutes)               26, 28

11. Data base file utilities (12 minutes)                                                 51 - 53

12. SQL Observer and Tracking use of Query400 (13 minutes)                 61 - 66

13. Install. parm.s, export/import data, housekeeping (13 minutes)         71 - 76, 78, 81 - 89

14. Optimization tips and techniques for development (33 minutes)         Password protected *)

15. ColdSpots, Job Watch function, Waits (8 minutes)                            12

16. Front end to IBM's PEX *STATS (10 minutes)                                  31 - 37

17. Analysis of data from IBM's Trace Job command (10 minutes)           41 - 43

*) GiAPA customers only: Use the password valid for downloading GiAPA updates