Free Trial of GiAPA Performance Analysis

GiAPA automatically collects data and "X-Rays" your server every 15 seconds, collecting detailed performance data on all active jobs. The automatically produced results from a GiAPA analysis often show significant optimization potential even for jobs assumed to run efficiently.

iPerformance offers a "Free Trial" allowing you to examine whether applications exist where minor modifications could save a significant amount of computer resources.

Normally the total working time required to download and install GiAPA and run the GiAPA data collection and analysis is less than one hour, and the resources used by the data collection is less than 0.1 % CPU.

Free Performance Analysis Step-by-step:

1. Use this link to send us your contact details: REQUEST FREE TRIAL .

2. We provide installation instructions, a password to unzip the file to be downloaded, and a description on how to run the trial.

3. Download and install GiAPA (typically takes < 15 minutes).

4. Start the GiAPA data collection, allowing it to run a maximum of 72 hours. 

5. End the GiAPA performance data collection.

6. Send an Email with Serial number, LPAR number and number of active CPUs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. requesting the "Free Trial Security Code", which we then supply, enabling you to run the analysis. GiAPA Menu option 98 displays the needed server attributes.

7. Run GiAPA's analysis of the collected data (done automatically in a batch job).

8. Generate the results of the analysis by using GiAPA Menu option 20.


Detailed description of and examples from a "Free Trial" are available here: .


Results from a Free Trial:

A "Free Trial" will generate pages describing the 3rd best tip for optimizing programs, and the 3rd best tip for optimizing file access, plus a page showing the totals (number and estimated possible run time savings) for all optimization potentials located. 

You may place an order for receiving all the results of the analysis. The price will be 25 % of the price of a GiAPA license. This amount will be credited if a full license is ordered within 3 months.

You may also upload the unexpanded data to our WebServer, requesting us to also run a complete manual analysis of the data. The price (in addition to the 25 % of a license) is €uro 1,250. We will supply a report with our findings and present them in a WebEx session.



        *  one Program Optimization Hint example,

        *  one File Access Optimization hint example, and

        *  totals for found optimization potential.